Sunday, March 19, 2017

Spring break = spring reset

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As spring break is winding down, I am thankful for the break from the hectic pace of school and now reflect on the goals I set at the beginning of the year.  Only about 50 days of school remain in this year.  I think back to our keynote speakers at the beginning of the year as well as several articles I read to kick off the school year.  They had one main thing in common - why.  What is your why?  Know your why.  Focus on your why.  Share your why.

I set several goals for myself including to engage more with parents and the community and to guest teach in all teachers' classes.  I started off by engaging parents through a dinner at our back to school night.  I have worked with our PSTO and CPSO to encourage more parent participation.  Why is this important to me?  I know that students do better in school when their families take pride in it as well.  And parents will take pride in a school that they feel welcome in and a part of.  We have a very diverse community and need to celebrate it.  For the last part of the school year I would like to host a family night event at school to welcome our new feeder elementary schools and connect them with our current community.  I have already created a rough draft and hope to work with the PSTO during the next meeting.

I have taught several classes for teachers, yet have several yet to go.  It has been difficult to find the time to teach classes and to coordinate with teachers' schedules.  I have found that it is hard for them to let go!  Why is this important to me?  It gives me a purpose and a reason to connect and work with my teachers.  It gives me the opportunity to spend time with students and see how they learn and act in a classroom environment.  I plan to continue this endeavor and teach as many classes as I can in the time that remains.  However, I now realize that I might not get to teach every teacher's class.

I also shadowed a student this year, led our PBIS team to model distinction by our AEA, and helped to decrease the achievement gap in our Iowa Assessment scores.  I attended the PLC institute and led our Instructional Leadership Team to implement the PLC process in collaborative teams.  Yes, these are all great accomplishments, but I know that there is more work yet to do.  And I have more goals yet to accomplish.  That is why this is not just a spring break, but a spring reset.  Time to have recharged, reflected, and refocused.  Why?  For the students, staff, and for yourself.  Have you taken the time for a spring reset?
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