Sunday, November 6, 2016

Where does the time go?

Another week has gone by.  Another opportunity for guest teaching has past.  I know I'm not alone when I ask the question, Where does the time go? Our school year flies by, quicker each year.  The daily needs of students, collaboration with colleagues, meetings and emails from parents, school activities and fundraisers, and all other pieces of school make for a very busy life.  As much as I would love to be able to get in a classroom each week, it just isn't always possible.  The past two weeks have been filled with state assessments, the school fundraiser, and a spirit assembly.  And the end of the trimester is just 7 school days away!  I'm sure the teachers are questioning the time as much as I am.

So how do we manage this?  I don't have an answer.  But I do know that it is important to keep your goals in sight.  I have reached out to several teachers and hope to have some guest teaching lined up for the next few weeks.  I haven't lowered my standards, I have just had to adjust to reality.  I think this is an important lesson for teachers and students as well.  Don't give up.  Don't lower your standards.  Adjust and attack each goal.  Speed isn't always necessary.  Quality and balance are important too.

Students remember how you encouraged them during those difficult assessments.  They remember that you pumped up your homeroom and encouraged them to sell products for the fundraiser to support the school.  They remember the excitement and silliness of the spirit assembly.  So, although those things may make the adults adjust their goals, they are what makes school memorable and meaningful for many of our students.  I'm looking forward to my next guest teaching assignment.  And I will make the time for it!
Image result for busy school year meme

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